Pixar fans who plan on picking up Brave on Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray, and DVD next month will be treated to an original short entitled The Legend of Mor'Du. The studio has released two photos from the short, which explores how this prince was transformed into a villainous bear. Take a look at the photos, then read on to learn more about this short from director Brian Larsen.

The Legend of Mor'Du Photo 1
The Legend of Mor'Du Photo 2

The story shows us how the prince sought control of his family's kingdom, conjuring a powerful spell to help him conquer his brothers. Unfortunately, the spell also lead to his transformation. Here's what Brian Larsen had to say about the message behind his short.

"It's a cautionary tale. If you are selfish and not working in the right direction for the greater good you can destroy a huge part of your family - and yourself. A lot of tales and legends, like Grimm's fairy tales, were like that. If you do some things, there's a bad outcome, and not always a happy ending."

He also spoke about the look of the short, and how he wanted it to have a 2D feel.

"It's got a stony edge to it. We wanted it to be very graphic in that way, with a lot of silhouettes. We wanted a 2D look that still had volume and geometry to it."

The first-time director, who served as the story supervisor on Brave, talked about how Mor'Du's story evolved.

"Steve Purcell, the co-writer, came up with idea of a king turned into a legendary bear. As the movie progressed, people [from preview audiences] wanted more and more about Mor'du, so Mark [Andrews, who co-directed Brave with Brenda Chapman] started putting more backstory in, and we started linking together how the kingdom fell. When talking about what kind of short we would do, I said I would love to expand on all these Mor'du elements, so let's write this thing to touch on what's in the movie, but come up with something a little bit deeper. This little short is filling in the middle part for you."