Chris Hemsworth and Mjolnir stand at the center of a massive battlefield in the latest photo for Thor: The Dark World. Take a look and then read on for more information about this Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones) directed sequel.

Thor The Dark World Photo
Marvel Studios

Marvel's resident pitchman Kevin Feige told Entertainment Weekly more about this upcoming Asgard adventure, which finds Thor contemplating his role as a leader.

"I would say there's a question of what happens when you're now seemingly ready for something, but don't necessarily want it anymore. That's part of his internal struggle.

Tony Stark wasn't perfect at the end of Iron Man 1, and I don't think Thor is perfect at the end of Thor 1 -- particularly in his relationship with his brother, considering what he went through in Marvel's The Avengers."

Kevin Feige then went onto explain what director Alan Taylor is bringing to this franchise.

"Alan is bringing a grittier, more visceral, more textured patina to the designs of the worlds, and to Asgard in particular. It's less to chase either Game of Thrones or The Lord of the Rings -- because you're not going to catch up. But part of the fun of Thor over the other characters is he doesn't have to stay on Earth. We visit a few of the other realms in this new movie."