We've got an exclusive audio interview download for you today from the roundtables for James Cameron's Aliens of the Deep!

During the roundtable both scientist Dijanna Figueroa and director James Cameron talk about the importance of making Aliens of the Deep and the trials and tribulations of completing such a huge task of bringing a film of this magnitude to IMAX screens.

CLICK HERE to download the audio file! (33MB)

Academy Award-winning director James Cameron combines his talents as a filmmaker with his passion for exploration in all forms in “Aliens of the Deep,” an Earthship Production presented in IMAX 3-D by Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media. Inspired by concepts from the field of astrobiology -- the study of life on other worlds -- Cameron explores the idea that the bizarre creatures living in the extreme environments found on the ocean floor might provide a blueprint for what life is like elsewhere in the universe. The director is joined in the journey by a team of young marine biologists and NASA researchers who share his interests and excitement as they consider the correlation between life under water and the life we may one day find in outer space.

Aliens of the Deep presents the dramatic and visually-stunning highlights of a series of expeditions to deep-ocean hydrothermal vents, where super-heated, mineral-charged water gives life to some of the strangest animals on earth -- 6-foot tall worms with blood-red plumes, blind white crabs, and an astonishing biomass of white shrimp, all competing to find just the right location in the flow of near-boiling water. This adventure brings the audience face to face with what it might be like to travel far into space and encounter life on other worlds.