In the pressure cooker of apartheid South Africa, two women meet and their worlds are turned upside down. Miriam is a traditional Indian mother; hardworking and self-effacing. Amina breaks all the rules by driving a taxi and setting up a cafe with a local black man. In the face of outraged disapproval, their friendship flourishes. But the price, for Miriam, is the discovery of impossible truths about her marriage. In a system that divides white from black, black from Asian and the women from men, what chance is there for an unexpected love to survive? It all happens in The World Unseen. We recently caught up with director Shamim Sarif and her leading actress Sheetal Sheth to discuss not only this film, but also their upcoming comedy I Can't Think Straight. To watch our exclusive interview with the pair, click on the video clip below:

The World Unseen opens November 7th while I Can't Think Straight opens November 21st.