We know that Mad Men star John Slattery will appear in this weekend's Iron Man 2 as Howard Stark, the industrialist father of Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark and now it seems the character could turn up in another Marvel film. MTV Splash Page spoke with Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau who revealed that Howard Stark would also appear in next year's Captain America: The First Avenger. Here's an excerpt from the site's article.

"Yeah, because he was around then," confirmed Favreau.

"[Captain America: The First Avenger] is World War II," he explained. "It wouldn't be that same actor, probably, because he would be much younger."

Elaborating on the elder Stark's role, Favreau said the industrialist will play a role not unlike another famous businessman from the real world.

"[Howard Stark] was starting out during that time, and [he] was involved with the war effort, much like Howard Hughes," said the filmmaker.

While the news hasn't been confirmed by the studio as of yet, we'll be sure to keep you posted on any further details regarding Captain America: The First Avenger as soon as we have more information.