We were recently on a conference call with Jerry Hayes from The Biggest Loser: Couples and here's what he had to say about the series.

I just want to go back to the first episode for a second. When did you begin feeling sick during that first workout?

Jerry Hayes: When I was in the gym, but about five minutes before I fainted.

Okay. So it was all - so it was pretty quick?

Jerry Hayes: It was pretty quick. Yeah. Things started moving around. I was looking up at the windows in the gym and they started shifting on me.

Okay. And once you went to the doctor were there any suggestions that you - did anyone suggest to you that you shouldn't continue on the show?

Jerry Hayes: No.

Okay. So that was never...

Jerry Hayes: No. It was because I was low on potassium and it was water - it was - the suggestion is make sure you have enough water, take my potassium pills and if I got faint again, lay down on the floor.

Jerry Hayes: Because my blood pressure dropped and that's what did it. So if I hit the - if I lay down on the floor then my heart and my head would be at the same level.

Okay. And I'm not really sure they showed it on the show. How long were you away from the ranch?

Jerry Hayes: Oh, maybe five, six hours.

Okay. So it wasn't that long.

Jerry Hayes: No.

And then I just have one more question. What was your reaction to that whole twist? Sending everyone home in the first week.

Jerry Hayes: We were upset. I'll tell you that much. But once we understood - we didn't quite understand that we were going to earn our partner back. We thought they were going home permanently. But then we kind of understood it and then we - once they started explaining it to us, it was to get everybody else, you know, at home - other than, you know, other, you know, the audience to workout at home, then it calmed down.

I thought I was going to see Stella after she walked out of the elimination room though, and that's where I got a little excited about that because I never saw her again.

Okay. And was there any debate as which one of you were going to get sent home?

Jerry Hayes: I wanted her to go - I wanted her to stay and I wanted to go home, and she wanted me to stay. But there was not really a debate. It took only about - we had a half an hour and it probably took ten minutes.

So I was wondering now that you've been back, I mean, have you continued with the working out at home?

Jerry Hayes: Oh, yeah.

...then trying to get in shape?

Jerry Hayes: Yes. Right now I've lost 96 pounds since I started on the ranch.

Oh my God.

Jerry Hayes: And I workout - basically I workout three and a half hours a day, six days a week. And I have a personal trainer. And I'm not kidding you. I started out as a couch potato, you know. Four months ago I didn't get off the sofa.

Oh, wow. And now are you seeing the benefits with your grandchildren now that you've lost the weight? Are you seeing like, you know, all these things that you're able to do now, you know? Are you guys running around? Are you playing? Are you more active with them?

Jerry Hayes: Oh, yeah. We're more active. We used to take them places. We took them all kinds of places but we were - we'd take and sit down on the bench and let them do it, you know. Now we're doing it with them. My grandson now calls me less fluffy.

What does he call you?

Jerry Hayes: Less fluffy. Yeah.

That is so funny. And so now are your grandkids like kind of now expecting you to do crazy things like, "All right, Grandpa, let's go, like, down the waterslide. Let's go and do like these craz..." Like are they wanting to do these like really crazy activities?

Jerry Hayes: Oh, yeah, but they always did. But, yeah, I mean, we were always active with them; but we just - now, yeah, now they expect us to be doing it. But, you know, right now it's snow all over the ground. We're in Chicago and there's snow out. So it's mainly indoor stuff.

Now, first of all, I want to know, what was the hardest part of the whole experience for you?

Jerry Hayes: Get my mind around it, to tell you the truth, that I could do it. I thought my body couldn't do it. But most of it was I didn't think my body could do it. My body was in much better shape for this thing than I thought it was. I haven't really hurt it other than I got some blisters on my foot - feet. But after that, I'm fine.

Okay. Actually I was wondering, how much do you think your age factored into your physical fitness?

Jerry Hayes: Well, I think it's not so much my age as the fact that I was on a couch for 25 years and not doing anything. It was, you know - as far as being old, I think I'm - no, I think I'm okay. I haven't seen that problem actually.

Now what is the main difference in your life after being on the show?

Jerry Hayes: Well, I'll tell you, I'm much more focused on where I'm going. I want to be around with my grandkids, but it's not just one, you know, it's not one TV show to another. It's doing stuff together and really focusing on a, you know, changing our lives. So it's changed a lot. I was a diabetic. I'm not a diabetic anymore.

And I loved spaghetti, and I still have spaghetti but it's wheat spaghetti and it's turkey meatballs and it's much more healthy. So the food choices, you know, different kinds but more quantity, you know quantity.

Hi, Jerry, it's Coleen with Diets In Review. How are you doing?

Jerry Hayes: I'm doing fine.

I don't know if you know this, but I'm Coleen from last season's Biggest Loser.

Jerry Hayes: Oh, cool.

So I have some really interesting questions to ask you.

Jerry Hayes: Jerry's your father.

Yes, Jerry's my father.

Jerry Hayes: I love Jerry. He's the guy that got me - you know, in the hotel when we were going through it, I saw him on the first episode, and he's the guy that put my mind and said, "I can do this. If Jerry can do it, I can do it."

I'm going to have to pass that on to him because he's going to be very excited that he motivated you.

Jerry Hayes: Well, me and him have talked actually.

My first question is I know that one of your New Year's resolutions was to run a 5K with your granddaughter.

Jerry Hayes: Yes.

And I was just wondering how that was coming along for you. Are you guys, you know, getting ready to run a race after the snow lifts? Do you have something in mind you wanted to do?

Jerry Hayes: Not yet, but, yes, I'm starting to run. So - and my granddaughter's ready to run with me. But we did that together. I just didn't make that up. I checked with her and we both committed together and we're going to do it.

That's very exciting. And now your granddaughter excited, she's excited to take part in this.

Jerry Hayes: Oh, yeah.

And does she realize like what a great achievement that is for you? You know, just coming from being a couch potato - can we say, maybe future road racer?

Jerry Hayes: I don't know if I'll be a future road racer or not, but I want to do the Bay to Breakers too in California.

Oh, that's very exciting.

Jerry Hayes: And as a matter of fact, I want to invite you and your dad. Bay to Breakers, you go over the whole - through San Francisco and run over the hills and on the other side.

I am familiar with that one. And you know what, I would be more than happy to take you up on that offer.

My next question, you know, being home from the Biggest Loser Ranch, how do you look at exercising differently? I mean, like you said you were a couch potato. Now when you think about having to go exercise, do you dread it? Do you look forward to it? How do you feel about your time in the gym?

Jerry Hayes: It's both, as you know. Sometimes you don't want to do it, but you're going to do it anyway. But once I get started, sometimes I'm like the wind. I can do anything and everything. I know it's got to be part of my lifestyle now and I do look forward to it. On our day off - because we take one day a week where we don't exercise to give our body time to recover.

And do you have any tips for someone who wants to get started on a power walking routine?

Jerry Hayes: Well, you know, you've got to build up gradually to it. But I've found that what's going on is their working on my balance. Being, you know, 63, I didn't understand balance, okay. But as my balance gets better, the faster and faster I walk. It turns out that your mind keeps correcting your body and it slows it down. So if you can get your balance, your mind will let you go faster.

And just keep challenging yourself because that's what I'm doing with running now. Now I'm running 1/3 of the time and I'm walking 2/3. At first I was only running about 50 yards, but I keep building up, building up, building up.

And are you getting excited for the finale to walk out on that stage and the confetti.

Jerry Hayes: You got it. I want to be 160 down, so...

Do you have any advice for other grandparents who are sort of discouraged about starting to get moving at this stage in their lives?

Jerry Hayes: Well, it - I think you need help in a certain way. And I got a trainer. And I have a trainer here. But you just have to start slow, but you got to get your mind on it and just keep trying and trying and you'll get faster, you'll get stronger. And you just got to challenge yourself and you need support, you know, whether it's your spouse or a friend or - at the health center that we go to there's the community of older, you know, older people there - seniors that feed off of each other. Just become friends with them and you'll work it up.

You don't have to do what I'm doing, okay. I think if I did this on my own, I don't think I could do this. But with the support and everything - but it doesn't matter. I could still do it. It would just take a little bit longer than it's happening. But I could do it.

You just got to believe. There's a sign in the gym that's - and maybe I'm talking too much, but it's believe in yourself and then it's trust in the process and change forever. And, you know, Bob said it and it's on the wall of the gym; and I keep quoting that to myself whenever I'm doubting it. And it's working.

How many days off do you usually give yourself?

Jerry Hayes: One day. Sunday we get - one day, just Sunday, yeah.

I want to know what the biggest surprise for you was about being on the ranch, having seen the show before. What shocked you?

Jerry Hayes: The whole thing. I thought it was going to be a gradual work up, not six to eight hours, boom, right off the bat, okay.

Was it difficult getting used to the cameras seeing you in such a vulnerable position...

Jerry Hayes: Oh, yeah, that was hard. You know, when we entered this thing, we didn't even thing about TV to tell you the truth. Yeah, days the camera was there. Yeah, you had to get used to it. You couldn't look at the camera and I forgot about that.

How did you feel seeing yourself on TV? Did you feel like you were properly represented?

Jerry Hayes Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That was fine. I was just - I didn't know I was that big until that time.

Can you just expand a little bit on your program at home after you left the ranch and how you were able to be so successful with the 96 pounds down. Like when you left the ranch, did you use the exact same program at the ranch? And what did you carry over from what you learned at the ranch?

Jerry Hayes: Well, you know, Dr. H kind of laid out a process with us and what it is, is he recommended not the same program, okay because 68 hours is a lot. Especially we're not going to be quite as under control with Jillian watching us and so forth. He recommended a 2-1/2 hour cardio program. And then on top of that I do another hour approximately either with a trainer - with my trainer or I do weights which is independent training that my trainer has laid out for me. I found that I cannot get in a weight room by myself without directions because I have a tendency to over lift. And I - you know, this is years of experience, I've always screwed up a muscle or something. So it's follow the direction of weight, you know, with my trainer. But it's 3-1/2 hours essentially a day for six days.

And what about the diet?

Jerry Hayes: The diet is the diet they laid for us out there. Okay. They gave us calories that we should be eating. It's a minimum calories, it's not a maximum because what we're trying to do is get our metabolism up; and believe it or not this 63-year-old body still has a metabolism. Once my body - once my muscles get better, I get more and more metabolism. And we follow the program and we journal everything we eat. Me and Stella measures and we weigh everything. I never read so many food packages in my life.

Do you feel that your trip to the hospital put limitations on your exercise that could have led to your disappointment on the scale?

Jerry Hayes: No. Well, actually it was - I had a foot problem because - but no because the first week I lost 25 pounds and that's when I wasn't being limited by exercise. But I was walking a lot. I was walking outside and I was trying to make it up different there. But I - by walking I ended up - got big blisters on my foot, and it made me do the bike more. But I think I just lost so much weight the first week...

One other thing that I know was causing a lot of reaction this week was Bob's big blowup in the gym. And was there something that happened off the cameras that we didn't see that maybe led to his big blowup other than Joelle's inability to stay on the treadmill for 30 seconds?

Jerry Hayes: No. You saw it. I mean, it was the thing that she had time - sometimes she just wouldn't do the workout. You know, we had - when you're on the gym there's - there was homework where they wouldn't be there, and we'd go off and we'd have to do our own, you know, program at three or four hours.

And, you know, they'd tell us what to do, and we'd do it. And she wouldn't always follow that. She was doing her own thing at times. So it just led up to that. But what you saw, I saw. I couldn't believe it. I was there too, you know. He just got frustrated. I guess he never does - that was a unique situation.

The Biggest Loser: Couples airs on Tuesday nights at 8 PM ET on NBC!