Empire recently spoke with Mark Ruffalo in regards to reprising his Bruce Banner role once he was done shooting The Avengers. The actor revealed that there are many possibilities, not only for sequels to The Avengers, but also for more stand-alone movies featuring The Incredible Hulk character. Here are some excerpts from the article:

"They set up several pictures over a couple of years and possibly there will be another The Incredible Hulk movie. There'll probably be a couple more Avengers too, which would be fun. The way I see it, Edward Norton has bequeathed this role to me. I reckon the part is my generation's Hamlet, and there's still some room for interpreting who The Incredible Hulk is."

We'll be sure to keep you posted with any further information on The Avengers sequels and future The Incredible Hulk sequels as soon as that news becomes available.