The Amazing Spider-man: New pics of the amazing Spider-man swinging high over the city have emerged over at Ain't It Cool along with a set report! CLICK HERE

In addition, the ZReview has an article up in which a scooper describes a few new scenes from the flick:

"The scene my LA contact witnessed was of Doc Ock waking up in the hospital after being fused with his arms in the accident that makes him Doc Ock. They had rehearsed the scene for weeks for the scene that will take five minutes on screen. Sam Raimi wanted to achieve the result by using as little CG as possible. The arms are robotic, puppetry and other technologies. The little arms within the arms are real and fully functional. In the scene Doc Ock throws a doctor across the room and he flies through a wall. The wall was rigged with explosives and the stunt man who was standing in for the doctor was left a little stunned after the take. They used seven different cameras to film the shoot to get as much coverage on it as possible...also Sam Raimi needed a subway car from Chicago for a scene. The city of Chicago sent him one but they needed they proceeded to take the car apart and refabricate 3 new ones piece by piece."

Thanks to DH for the scoop.

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