Van Helsing:United International Pictures has posted some new media from the upcoming monster flick, Van Helsing, starring Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale.

CLICK HERE for a new shot of Hugh Jackman!

CLICK HERE for the high-res wallpaper!

CLICK HERE for the low-res wallpaper!

Set in the late 19th century, monster hunter Dr. Abraham Van Helsing (Jackman) is summoned to a mysterious land in East Europe to vanquish evil forces... evil forces with names like Count Dracula (Roxburgh), the Wolf Man (Kemp), and Frankenstein's Monster (Hensley). Assisting him once he gets there is Anna (Beckinsale), the heir of a long-running family committed to hunting down and destroying Dracula. (Anaya, Colloca and Maran play Dracula's brides; Wenham plays a friar, Carl, who escorts Van Helsing through the dangerous wilderness).