
Leonard Maltin


Best 1930s Movies including Adventures of Robin Hood, Wizard of Oz, and Gone with the Wind
25 Best Films of the 1930s, According to Leonard Maltin

In Leonard Maltin's list of the 100 Must-See Films of the 20th Century, the film critic devotes a whopping 25 titles to the 1930s with these movies.

Marcello floating in 8 1/2 movie from Fellini
Greatest Films of the '60s, According to Leonard Maltin

The Entertainment Tonight critic named the greatest movies of the 1960s from around the world.

Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot
The 16 Best Films of the '50s, According to Leonard Maltin

After 30 years as the film critic for Entertainment Tonight, Maltin has put together his list of the 16 definitive, greatest movies of the 1950s.

The cast of Mel Brooks' movie Blazing Saddles, one of the funniest and best comedy movies ever made
The 11 Best Films of the '70s, According to Leonard Maltin

Esteemed film critic Leonard Maltin has narrowed down the greatest movies of the 1970s to 11 phenomenal films.

King of Movies: The Leonard Maltin Game Is Coming from Mondo and It's Interesting
King of Movies: The Leonard Maltin Game Is Coming from Mondo and It's Interesting

Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide is considered to be the Holy Bible for movie fans and now it has been turned into a tabletop game.
