Focus Features has released seven character posters for Moonrise Kingdom, which debuts in theaters nationwide May 25. These posters feature Captain Sharp (Bruce Willis), Walt and Laura Bishop (Bill Murray and Frances McDormand), Cousin Ben (Jason Schwartzman), Scout Master Ward (Edward Norton), Suzy Bishop (Kara Hayward), Sam Shakusky (Jared Gilman), and Tilda Swinton's character from Social Services. Take a look at the cast as they appear in director Wes Anderson's dramatic comedy.

Captain Sharp Moonrise Kingdom Poster
Walt and Laura Bishop Moonrise Kingdom Poster
Cousin Ben Moonrise Kingdom Poster
Scout Master Ward Moonrise Kingdom Poster
Suzy Bishop Moonrise Kingdom Poster
Sam Shakusky Moonrise Kingdom Poster
Social Services Moonrise Kingdom Poster
Moonrise Kingdom Poster