First came the somewhat surprising news that J.J. Abrams was producing a remake of the 1980 coming of age classic Little Darlings, which starred Tatum O'Neal and Kristy McNichol as two teens competing to lose their virginity while away at summer camp. Then we learned that he wasn't remaking the movie, instead using the title Little Darlings as a casting pseudonym for his secretive sci-fi thriller Super 8. We've now learned that the movie title Super 8 has officially changed to just Darlings. At least Internationally in Brazil, as evidenced by the trailer below:

Though we have contacted Paramount about the change, we're still not sure if Super 8 is being retitled Darlings in the States, or if Darlings is being used solely as a title in Brazil, where the meaning of Super 8 may not translate.

As you may remember, Cloverfield was a working title that had nothing to do with the actual contents of that movie itself. Cloverfield was the road address of J.J. Abrams's Bad Robot production offices in Los Angeles. Cloverfield was referred to as that for so long, they eventually let it stand. It is quite possible that the title Super 8 actual has nothing to do with the plot of J.J. Abrams latest, and that it is instead just a working title reference to the Super 8 films he made as a kid. With such a young cast at the center of Super 8, Darlings might actually be a better title. But if its officially changed, will it stick? Or will people just continue to call it Super 8 in the long run?