Christina Cabot plays Major Kathleen 'Kat' Sparr in this summer's The Incredible Hulk. The actress recently gave an interview with Moviehole where she discussed her preparation for the film, along with what it was like to work with director Louis Letterier and star Edward Norton.

Asked about her preparation for the film, Cabot said:

While preparing for the movie I read the comic books, but as a kid was a big fan of The Incredible Hulk tv series. I definitely responded to Banner's vulnerability, thinking about how hard it must be to have something inside that he can't control, something that no one else can relate to. And I think everyone at some point fantasizes about how cool it would be to morph into a superhero and take down their nemesis!

I really got into watching video's posted by soldiers on youtube and myspace, and read interviews with interesting female officers like Gen. Wilma Vaught and Army Reservist Sue Devitt . This really helped me to understand what it's like to be a woman in what is essentially a man's army, and gave me a great sense of the tremendous courage, fortitude and strength needed to survive in that world. But what I really wanted to do with Sparr was to explore an issue many soldiers today seem to be facing: how do I sustain my innate sense of duty and the desire to fight for what is good and right, when the very lines that determine what is good and right are constantly being blurred? To that end, I found Yoko Ono Lennon's website to be an inspiring and amazing place to turn. There were links to sites such as Gold Star Families, and Not in Our Name as well as eloquent messages posted by people around that world that spoke of the tragic realities of war and the false belief that all conflicts can or should be solved militarily.

To read the full interview with Christina Cabot CLICK HERE

The Incredible Hulk, starring Edward Norton, William Hurt, Liv Tyler and Tim Roth smashes into theatres on June 13, 2008.