We have an exclusive clip from the series premiere of Whale Wars, which premieres on Friday, November 7 at 9 PM ET on Animal Planet. Click below for our exclusive clip featuring a "stinky" tactic that's used to stop the killing of whales.

Paul Watson is the captain and founder of Sea Shepherd, a radical environmental group made up of self-proclaimed eco-pirates who fight for marine conservation. Their mission is to confront and stop Japanese fishing vessels from killing whales in Antarctica. Paul's crew sets sail from Melbourne, Australia, and consists of 34 international volunteers, but he quickly questions whether they are up for such a dangerous campaign. Immediately after departing, the newbies get slammed with seasickness, and later at sea, a small boat with four people aboard capsizes and a helicopter blade is damaged. As the Sea Shepherds spot their first whaling boat, the captain fears their mission is in serious jeopardy before they've even begun.