King Kong:The Dominion Post spoke exclusively with Fay Wray about Peter Jackson's up coming "King Kong" project and had this to say:

"I remember Merion Cooper so well, who created the original. I still remember when he was just thinking of the idea for the film and he looked at me and said, 'I know – I think I will call it Kong – no, even better, I will call it King Kong!' He was a wonderful person – so strong and devoted to film.{@@@newline@@@}{@@@newline@@@}"I think it is excellent and honourable that Peter Jackson wants to be true to the original. And I am proud that he wants to keep King Kong alive."{@@@newline@@@}{@@@newline@@@}"(King) Kong was always an independent kind of guy and I think he should stay that way," she joked. "But, it is wonderful knowing that people care, and that Peter Jackson cares. That is what is important."

The 95 year old actress was immortalized by playing King Kong's "love interest". The image of King Kong clutching her in his hand atop the Empire State building will forever be imbedded in the minds of moviegoers.

Thanks to for the heads up!

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