Warner Bros. has updated the official website for their highly-anticipated sci-fi thriller Interstellar, following director Christopher Nolan and star Matthew McConaughey's surprise appearance at Comic-Con 2014 last week. In typical Christopher Nolan fashion, the website offers more questions than answers, although it allows users to explore a key setting in the movie in a rotating 360-degree environment, along with messages such as "Look Around," and "The Answer Is Above Us." When the site first loads, you can also see a space shuttle launch into the sky in the background, which is presumably the shuttle that carries out the mission in the film. Click on the image below to check out the site for yourself, then read on to learn about the clues that have already been uncovered.

Interstellar Viral Site

The readers at NolanFans.com have uncovered that there are a number of seemingly-random pulsating lights in the sky at night, with the site configured to determine each user's location and local time, meaning if it is daytime now, you will not be able to see these blinking stars until the sun goes down.

They have also revealed that there are seven blinking stars, which each pulsate a set number of times. When you add these numbers up, it reveals 7-21-1969, or July 21, 1969, the date Apollo 11 landed on the moon, and that the geographical pattern of these stars' alignment, resembles The Big Dipper, which you can take a look at below.

Interstellar Viral Photo

Are there any more clues that you can spot? Chime in with your thoughts below, and stay tuned to see if this site is updated with more clues, as we get closer to Interstellar's November 7, 2014 release date.