Hollywood is all about trends. As soon as one studio sees another studio make money off a property, they immediately try to copy-cat the attempt by creating something as similar as they can while giving it their own unique twist. This leads to oversaturated gaps where every new TV show or movie being released revolves around the same central premise. In the '80s, there was a brief moment where every film or TV show coming out was either a spy/war project or a teen dramedy, focused on relating to the young audiences that either felt a strong sense of pride in their patriotism or the need to rebel from established hierarchies. In the late '90s to early 2000s, sports films were all the rage, with fans flocking to theaters and getting comfy in front of their televisions to watch lowly underdogs compete for championships against national/worldwide powerhouses.

It's a tale as old as time, and studios can't be blamed for trying to ride the wave of a successful trend. After all, it is their job to make money. That being said, trends aren't going anywhere, as the superhero movie trend of late has proven. It will always be a guessing game as to which topic will get the next nod. Back in the late 2000s and early 2010s, the hottest trend was vampires. All a studio had to do was pitch a movie/TV show about a vampire, and it would get signed off. Despite the vampire trend having long since faded, one particular upcoming project might have the firepower to bring the undead vampire trope roaring back to life and become the most successful vampire movie of all time. That movie is Morbius.

Following No Way Home Successmorbius-successful-vampire-movie-follow-no-way-home-Cropped-1

Morbius (starring Jared Leto) is a story about a man named Dr. Michael Morbius who, in the attempts of curing himself of a deadly disease, ultimately becomes a vampire. As stated earlier, the vampire trope has been dead for quite some time and doesn't appear to be returning anytime soon. That said, Morbius is no typical vampire movie - it's actually a superhero movie. Morbius is a character in the Marvel universe and is often seen as a villain or antihero to other Marvel characters (such as Spider-Man). However, Morbius isn't an MCU installment as the movie rights to the character are owned by Sony. Even so, with Spider-Man: No Way Home breaking the box office with its intake of $1.8 billion worldwide, it's safe to say that audiences and fans are still riding the high of No Way Home introducing the multiverse and are eager to intake more superhero material (i.e., Morbius).

Potentially Incorporating the MCU

Spider-Man and Morbius
Marvel Studios/Sony

To restate, Morbius is not a part of the MCU as it's a Sony property and therefore can't be part of Marvel's on-screen universe. However, the film has cast several hints that all of that might be about to change. In No Way Home, the multiverse was introduced with the MCU incorporating all the villains from the prior Spider-Man films and making them part of the MCU. Now, Sony's properties weren't involved in the deal to bring Fox's characters back into the MCU... so how could the MCU and Sony do this? The same way that Morbius could be incorporated into the MCU as well.

RELATED: Sony Pulls Morbius From Release in Russia

With the end credit scene in both Venom 2 and No Way Home indicating that Sony's spider-people and the MCU's characters are capable of existing in the same cinematic universe, it's all but confirmed that Morbius could make his way into a future MCU movie (or technically be part of the MCU timeline itself). Another surefire hint that this will occur is the presence of The Vulture (the villain from Spider-Man: Homecoming) appearing in the Morbius trailer. It still hasn't been confirmed, but due to all of this information, fans have widely speculated that the MCU and Sony Spiderverse could finally meld together during Morbius. If that's the case, fans will flock to theaters by the millions to watch it happen.

Other Successful Vampire Franchises

Wesley Snipes as Blade
New Line Cinema

Make no mistake - even with the vampire trope dying down for years, it's still one of the most popular and successful genres of film ever. Franchises such as Twilight, Underworld, and even Hotel Transylvania have centered entirely around the vampire premise, not to mention other such films like Van Helsing, any movie about Dracula, and the prior Blade franchise (which the MCU is currently in the process of rebooting).

RELATED: Is Morbius a Hero or Villain? It's Complicated

That doesn't even account for renowned television series like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, and Supernatural, all of which leaned heavily into the vampire trope. So, with all of these past successful undead projects, it's hard to say whether Morbius will stand above the rest of them. But with the added surprise of potentially incorporating the MCU (the most successful and profitable film franchise of all time) and following the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, it's safe to say that it'll have a fair shot.