Director Lexi Alexander has updated her blog with a new post and a couple of screen shots of Ray Stevenson as Frank Castle in her upcoming sequel Punisher: War Zone. Take a look at the photos below:

Punisher: War Zone
Punisher: War Zone

Lexi writes:

Greetings from Vancouver, BC, where we will shoot a pick up scene during the night on top of a high-rise roof at below zero temperatures. I don't know what it is with this film, but apparently, the price of getting it right seems to be complete torture of both the crew and cast. Ha, ha. This time, though, we all seem to be less bothered by the conditions, mainly because we look forward to seeing each other again to complete a film we are all very proud of.

They say that if a film is blessed with the birth of a baby during its production it will have all the luck in the world and will be hugely successful. Well, fasten your seatbelts, because we had not one but two little ones arrive. None other than the Punisher himself, Ray Stevenson and his beautiful lady Betta celebrated the birth of their son Sebastiano Derek Stevenson (aka Future Punisher) on December 24th.

My cinematographer Steve Gainer actually missed the birth of his beautiful daughter Lexi Lu Gainer, since she was born during pre-production on October 12th, when we were buried in so much work that he couldn't leave Montreal even for a day. So there you have it -- The PUNISHER in luck -- not that we relied on that!!

My team and I spent a lot of time researching the comic books, Tim Bradstreet's art and all the reference films we decided upon. I think we watched one of those films at least 25 times during prep. Thank God Montreal has an endless supply of excellent wine and cheese, which made those sessions much more enjoyable.

Punisher: War Zone opens September 12th, 2008.