Now that the Skywalker saga is wrapped up, the Star Wars franchise is preparing to move in new and exciting directions. After the runaway success of The Mandalorian, Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has been brought on board to helm the next Star Wars film, titled Rogue Squadron. In an interview with IGN, Jenkins revealed that the upcoming project is not going to be based on any existing video game or book.

"[In the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron movie] we're doing something original with great influence from the games and the books. There's a lot of things being acknowledged and understood about the greatness of all of those things, but yes, it's an original story and I'm so psyched to do it."

The clarification by Patty Jenkins is important, because Rogue Squadron is also the name of a video game series first launched in 1998, featuring Luke Skywalker's team of ace Rebel pilots taking on the Empire. The game was particularly famous for some legendary starfighter battles like the Battle of Hoth, and the Death Star Trench. The plot of the games took place during the events of the original trilogy of Star Wars films and followed Luke and his allies as they attempted to overthrow the Galactic Empire.

Players took part in clandestine missions escorting Imperial defectors to safety within the Rebel Alliance. Moff Kohl Seerdon was the main villain of the game, and the story ended in an epic battle on Mon Calamari to stop the planet-destroying World Devastators. While Jenkins' film does not appear to be taking inspiration from the events of the games, she had previously hinted that pitched space battles in various Star Wars aircrafts will be a major part of the storyline.

"I love to move fast and speed of any kind. I think that that's because I grew up the daughter of a great fighter pilot and every day I would wake up and go outside and look up and see my father and his squadron taking off in their F4s, whirring across the sky, and it was the most thrilling thing I still have experienced in my entire life. So when he lost his life in service to this country, it ignited a desire in me to turn all of that tragedy and thrill into one day making the greatest fighter pilot movie of all time. But try as I might and look as I did, I couldn't find the right story ever. I kept looking and looking, but I just couldn't find the right one -- until now. Now, I've found a movie about two things I love, so I'm going to see you very soon."

Sounds like Jenkins is planning to make the Star Wars version of Top Gun, which sounds completely awesome in every way. Directed by Patty Jenkins, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is currently scheduled to hit theaters on December 22, 2023. This news first appeared at IGN.