The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King: Thousands of Wellington rugby fans will have the chance to chant and stomp their way into the final film in The Lord of the Rings trilogy at Westpac Stadium on Saturday.

Rings sound technicians will ask the crowd to stay behind after the Wellington Lions' national provincial championship opening game against Southland to record sounds for battle scenes in The Return of the King.

It would take "five or ten minutes" to record the noises, sound technicians said.

It is the second time the stadium has been used for Rings sound effects.

Last year, fans kicked up a din during the tea break of a one-day cricket international between New Zealand and England. The results were clearly audible during battle scenes in the trilogy's second film, The Two Towers.

On that occasion, the crowd was led by director Peter Jackson but this time around the Wellingtonian is overseas.

Thanks to Stuff!