Arnie's post-political, action film comeback is taken to new bloody heights in David Ayer's Sabotage. Ayer is the king of gritty cop dramas having scripted Training Day and End of Watch. Those films are vastly superior to Sabotage, but his trademark style of shock and extreme violence are in full effect here. The script is rife with f-bombs, gratuitous nudity, torture, and heads exploding like watermelons. Action junkies like me are sure to get a kick out of the carnage, but it's highly doubtful other audiences will find anything worthwhile in Sabotage.

Schwarzenegger stars as John 'Breacher' Wharton, the leader of an elite DEA special operations squad. The film opens with Breacher and his team of ruffians taking down a cartel leader's mansion. They kill all the baddies, but before destroying a room filled with drug money, they steal $10 million dollars by hiding it in the plumbing. The team gets a nasty surprise when they head into the sewers to recover their loot and find it has been stolen. Six months later, the team has been thoroughly scrutinized for their actions and allowed to return to duty. The team's members begin to die horrifically as they are systematically wiped out. A local homicide cop (Olivia Williams) is tasked with getting to the bottom of these killings. Is the cartel exacting their revenge over the stolen money, or is there another motive behind the murders?

The level of violence in this film reaches a new high for David Ayer. Sabotage shows the methods of the cartel and Breacher's team with unabashed fervor. Even I, the most jaded action critic in the land, was surprised by how extreme the violence is in Sabotage. Ayer wants to portray the total ruthlessness of the drug trade and the blood money that fuels it. Couple in the raw language and nudity, Sabotage is the definition of the hard R film.

The plot is a mystery with a few big reveals along the way. It's entirely nonsensical with plot holes galore, but is anyone really that concerned about the plot when guys are having their heads blown off by high-powered rifles? To it's credit, Sabotage isn't stupid or cheesy. The film is a dark story loaded with casualties. It is definitely not a feel good film or light action like The Expendables.

The best parts of Sabotage are the female leads. First, you have Mireille Enos (World War Z, The Killing) as Lizzy. She's the sole female on Breacher's team and an absolute firecracker; drug-addicted, trigger-happy, and hornier than every guy in the film combined. British actress Olivia Williams is almost unrecognizable as a southern cop that seems to get covered in blood and guts in every fight scene. Sabotage wouldn't be nearly as entertaining without the performances from these actresses. I'm sure they enjoyed playing against type and having more balls than the macho men.

Sabotage is worth seeing for action and Arnie fans. I think it's his most entertaining film since he stopped being The Governator. Definitely not recommended for anyone else. I remember the absolute disgust on this woman's face as she walked out of the screening. Sabotage is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but thoroughly enjoyable if you need an action fix.