5 years, 5 seasons, 50 episodes and one actress that plays over 17 different characters – welcome to the world of BBC’s Orphan Black with its main star Tatiana Maslany. The plot follows an overarching corrupt clone science wherein the Dyad Institute has created countless clones to conduct a human experiment. The story throughout the series is kept fresh and gripping with the constant introduction of new clones and their personal lives.

Maslany proved herself in Canadian shows like Heartland and Being Erica, but it was Orphan Black that catapulted the Canadian actress to newer heights in her career. Indeed, for her performances in Orphan Black, Maslany won two Critics' Choice Television Awards and an Emmy. Now, the actress is poised to enter the MCU in the highly anticipated She-Hulk series on Disney+, which promises to be fourth-wall-breaking comedy that brings She-Hulk and Mark Ruffalo's Hulk together for the first time onscreen. Although Maslany did an amazing job giving each and every clone their own spark, there’s bound to be some favorites among the viewers. Take a look at our ranking list of the 11 clones.

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11 Camilla Torres


Only appearing in the final episode, Camilla managed to show us her cheeky side by flirting with Delphine (Évelyne Brochu). Both Delphine and Cosima gather medical information on the clones and travel around the world to give them the Leda cure. Camilla is one of the clones they actually show us. They decide to spare her all the drama, so she can peacefully continue living her life.

10 Tony Sawicki


Many would agree that Maslany playing a transgender character probably wasn't the best way to go about it, but Tony Sawicki stays treasured. He appears in the second season for a brief moment. In comparison with the other clones, he's quicker to accept the newfound reality thanks to the gender identity crisis he had already gone through. The production team didn't decide to bring him back even after fans' constant pleas. We know, though, that he did survive the shenanigans.

9 Katja Obinger


Katja is yet another clone, this time of German origin, who was assassinated shortly after we got introduced to her. She had a captivating spark to her and was arguably taken from us too soon. She was planning to meet up with Beth Childs to get more information on the "genetically identical" people to her, but got scammed and murdered. It's upsetting to think that Katja's family didn't get a body to bury, nor did they manage to say their goodbyes.

8 M.K.

M.K - Orphan - Black

Veera Suominen, a.k.a M.K., is the first clone that had more information on the whole situation than anyone else. Due to having her friends and family killed and half of her face burned, she's very skeptical and doesn't trust people easily. Thanks to her excellent hacking and coding skills, she's been able to hide her identity for a long time. Many were unsatisfied and angry with how disrespectfully Mika was killed off the show by the hands of someone who was deeply related to her trauma. She deserved dignity and not the brutal death for the sole purpose of shock value.

7 Krystal Goderitch


We, as a fandom, don't appreciate Krystal Goderitch enough. Despite her appearance as the "dumb blonde," Krystal proves her intelligence by uncovering secrets about Brightborne and Dyad. Even though she's informed about the clone situation, she refuses to believe it and instead thinks she's part of a cosmetic industry conspiracy. Sadly, she wasn't mentioned in the Orphan Black finale, nor did they explain how they manage to convince her to get inoculated with their cure, since she always questions everything.

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6 Beth Childs


Beth is one of the first clones we get to see when she commits suicide right in the first episode - allowing Sarah to take her identity and discover her life story. We learn about her in reverse through countless flashbacks throughout the show. Due to being thrown into the conspiracy, she quickly becomes overwhelmed and turns to prescription drugs to deal with her problems. As a detective, she fought strongly for what she believed in and definitely deserved better. Despite dying in the first episode, she's vital to the TV series, and you can always feel her presence.

5 Rachel Duncan


Yes, one of the clones serves as a main antagonist throughout the series, especially season 2. In contrast with the other clones, she was raised by the Neolution and always aware of who she is. Some of her atrocious acts make it really hard for the audience to act as her apologists. What makes the character interesting is the contrast between her and Helena. Both of them murdered other clones, because deep down they yearned for a family. Arguably, Rachel has the strongest serial killer vibe in the show. Despite always thinking of herself as superior to the other clones, in the end she does end up helping the clone club.

4 Sarah Manning


Sarah is the main protagonist leading us through the plot of Orphan Black. She and Helena are the only clones who can reproduce and since that's something unheard of, she's the most wanted by the Dyad Institute. Thanks to her rebellious nature, she often self-destructs and acts impulsively which can lead to many dumb decisions. Yearning to be her own person, she often puts her daughter Kira in danger. But despite all of that, she's a caring person who always does everything in her power to save her family.

3 Helena


In comparison with her sister Sarah, Helena is a former serial killer who was brainwashed by a group of Ukrainian religious fanatics since she was 12 and trained to kill the other clones. At first, she serves as the show's antagonist, but once she meets her sisters, we can see just how sweet and protective she is. As the show progresses Helena becomes less impulsive and violent, but when betrayed she still acts aggressively. Who would have thought that watching Helena onscreen fills the audience with unexplainable softness despite her murderous tendencies?

2 Alison Hendrix


Holding up the pretense of a soccer mom worked for Alison throughout her life. But, as we later find out, she's one of the clones that already know all the bits of information after being contacted by Beth. Arguably, she has one of the craziest plot lines in the TV series with her constant suburbia drama. She's a perfectionist, but becomes more relaxed and playful as the series progresses. Just like the other clones, she tends to act erratically and impulsively. But in contrast with the other characters, her story sort of stays separate a lot of times. The reason for her likeability is her messy arc that makes her that more easily relatable.

1 Cosima Niehaus


Identically to Alison, Cosima was contacted by Beth way before Sarah got into the picture. Studying towards her PhD in Experimental Evolutionary Developmental Biology, she's inquisitive and extremely intelligent. Along with Tony, she's one of the LGBTQ+ clones dating Delphine Cormier who was assigned to spy on her. It's her and Delphine who hit send on all the information needed to expose Neolution in the end. Interested in finding out more about the clones, she makes great strides in her scientific research towards finding the cure. She's decisive and confident in herself, but can also become distant when stressed. What's beautiful about her character is the positive lesbian representation—she’s not in the show to queer bait or sexualize the content.