Have you ever wanted to see the ending of Terminator 2: Judgment Day in Claymation? Well, now you can. All thanks to the sci-fi site Dust. And more specifically, thanks to Joseph Brett, the man who actually created the clip for Dust. As those who have seen Judgment Day will know, a lot is going on at the ending of the film.

In one of the most emotional parts of the movie, the black-handed glove of the T-800, as played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, slowly descends into molten lead. Simultaneously giving John (Edward Furlong) and Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) a thumbs up as it goes to its doom.

"In the original shot there's a lot of chaotic elements like smoke, fire, sparks, liquid metal, so figuring out how to keep that energy without having too many elements to animate was interesting," Brett said. "The method ended up being fairly straightforward, but actually animating all those tiny elements-moving each spark across glass and replacing each flame on the hand-definitely takes its toll on the brain. Also, the descending arm took a bit of planning. I ended up cutting a hole in the surface so that I could scoop out the bottom of the arm as I pressed it down through the lava. That was a lesson learned from regrets on another animation."

As Brett outlined to io9 via an email, the creation of this clip took about eight hours for Brett to animate, though it also took "maybe a few more hours building the plasticine models." He uses the standard Newplast Plasticine that you can find in local craft stores, in addition to a few tricks of the trade.

"I'll also often use a slanted sheet of glass if I need several things to hover, like the sparks in this Terminator shot. They were just small balls of plasticine which I would gradually move down a glass panel held across the back of the set," Brett said.

Since these types of animations take so long, Brett usually puts them together on the first try. Though he also admitted that he always ends a shot thinking "there was a better way of doing this." Though the quality of the clip certainly speaks for itself in terms of how well it was made.

Brett is 34 years old and originally from London. Growing up, he loved animating in claymation. In fact, he began claymation animation when he was only ten years of age. It's a medium he's only recently gotten back to after moving on to live-action in later years.

"What's great about claymation is that I'm essentially using the same tools I was as a kid," Brett said. "Which just makes it such an accessible medium." The information in this article comes courtesy of Gizmodo. You can also see more of Brett's work on Instagram.