The Marvel Cinematic Universe took a new and unique turn after the 2016 entry Captain America: Civil War. It was after Civil War that the MCU's continuing storyline got more inter-connected. But most significantly, the film split the Avengers' team, which resulted in a divide througout Avengers: Infinity War, eventually allowing Thanos to snap away half the universe. But, the unexpected climax of Captain America: Civil War, where the story suddenly shifts from Cap's efforts to stop a team of rogue super-soldiers to a personal rivalry over Barnes left the viewers undecided on one factor of the story. Who really won?

Has the WandaVision finale finally ended that debate?

In Captain America: Civil War, when Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross presents the Avengers with the Sokovia Accords; while Tony is willing to sign it, given the destruction his failure with Ultron caused in Sokovia, Captain America sees the Accords as giving Avengers' control to political agendas. Before the team could even decide on who's right, Captain or Tony, Captain suffers the tragic loss of Peggy, followed by Zemo's attack on the UN meeting which kills T'Chaka.

Eventually, the surprising climax just drifts the audience away from the conflict over these newly established Accords. But, earlier in the film, when the team is discussing, or rather arguing, on the impacts of the Accords on their operations, Vision tries sorting it out with a calculative equation. His equation favors the sanctioning of these Accords, thus, siding himself with Team Iron Man. And probably, he was right about it.

Here's what Vision said about his take on the Sokovia Accords: "In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurable rate."

On being asked by Captain Rogers if Vision thinks that "if it's all their fault", Vision replies:"I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenges. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand."

Vision's equation, before it could be fully realized, was somehow downsized, when Cap leaves the room upon hearing of Peggy's passing. And then we know how things went. But, Vision was right. And the answer lies in the WandaVision finale fight sequence featuring Westview Vision vs. White Vision.

In the final episode of WandaVision, the Westview Vision, the one created by Wanda's Hex, fights the reanimated White Vision. The White Vision is designed from the dismembered body of real Vision, who was murdered by Thanos in Infinity War. But this newly programmed Vision has just one goal, to destroy Wanda and the Westview clone of himself. As the fight between the two synthezoids continues, Westview Vision suddenly iterates that he is not the "real Vision", but just a conditional one. Hearing this, the White Vision requests an elaboration. It's at this moment, we witness the true meaning of superintelligence Vision possesses.

Vision manages to subdue his White clone through a philosophical and somewhat scientifically logical debate on both their existences. He proposes how he is just a figment of someone else's consciousness, and eventually restores White Vision's memories of his past life as an Avenger, as well as his relationship with Wanda. But, since the new Vision isn't powered by the Mind Stone, it's difficult for him to comprehend the new information, which contradicts his previous programming. As a result, he just leaves the fight to most likely go process everything he's just learned.

Vision's core powers include superhuman intelligence. This is what his power has been. Shooting beams from the Mind Stone, creating holographic disguises, and manipulating density is one thing, but what Vision can do with his mind is extraordinary. Looking at the past conflicts the Avengers have dealt with, each of the members of the team has fought personal battles with their self-conscience. Vision has been the only one who has tried to find the most logical and reasonable path to solve a problem. His understanding has grown from his inception in Age of Ultron.

The MCU version of Vision is an amalgamation of multiple psychologies and consciousness. He comprises intellectual elements of Tony and Banner, while also sustaining the world's understanding from the point of view of two different A.I. systems, J.A.R.V.I.S and Ultron. On top of that, his life sustains via the Mind Stone, which gives him knowledge and information about the cosmos. This alone makes him the smartest individual on the planet.

When White Vision asks for an elaboration, the Westview Vision uses his skills to define anything by calculative methods, which makes his opinions undaunted and undebatable. He demonstrated the same intellect in Infinity War, where he proposes the idea of sacrificing himself at the beginning of the film. He was pragmatic and wise enough to calculatingly understand that Thanos has better chances of winning against the Avengers. And he was eventually right; however, Thanos' Time Stone foiled his plans, leaving his sacrifice in vain. This is what he did in Civil War.

Let's take his equation firsthand. Here what he is trying to address is just reality. His equation is based on information, knowledge from the Mind Stone and his approach towards understanding scenarios to come up with an unbiased solution. Thanks to his intellect and intelligence, Vision even proposes the idea in a manner that seems a bit diplomatic, and beneficial to both sides. The equation Vision proposes solely focuses on what's best for the team at that time. On one hand, understood the catastrophic nature of battles the Avengers had fought and proposed they share the control on their actions and choices. On other hand, he was aware that the team needs to stick together amidst political debate on their actions across the globe.

If everyone had sided together, they could've easily managed political pressure and maybe later could've proved the establishment of these Accords baseless. Being together could've further proved beneficial for Cap's situation with Barnes. Though the truth of Barnes' killing Stark's parents would've caused a major drift later in the future, but sticking together as a team could've foiled Zemo's plans for good.

Moreover, Vision also knew that Wanda would be safest if everyone sided with Stark and agreed to sign on the Accords. The people would've become more accepting towards the team, including Wanda. We now know how Wanda could be a potential danger to everyone, especially civilians. If Wanda would've sided with Stark during Civil War, she'd have been on the good side of the public and the government, which later would've benefited her, even after the Blip.

Vision's decision to support Stark was not just logical, but also probably personal. It is evident Vision shares an emotional connection with Wanda, as both, their powers come from the Mind Stone. It's possible he wanted Wanda to be on a safer side and that's why he was adamant about joining Stark and signing on the Accords. Anyway, Vision just wanted the team to side with a more practical choice at that moment. Because together, Avengers could not just dodge the Accords, but could also prove them wrong. He was aware the team couldn't operate correctly if divided, and that it would just strengthen the the Accords' power and control over them.

And eventually, that's what happened. When the world faced a greater threat from a being like Thanos, the Avengers stood divided, and before they could team-up, a lot of damage was already done. That caused both Captain America and Iron Man to lead two different teams against Thanos, with both losing at the end. Only if the team was together, all of them could've come up with a better and more aggressive plan to face the threat. And may have even won.

Of course, that would be too simple and against the scripts; nevertheless, nothing worked out as per Vision's idea, and everything went haywire. But, Vision's pragmatic equation was more beneficial to the team instead of Captain America's righteous approach towards the whole scenario. And Team Iron Man was indeed fighting for the right side. Vision's fate in the MCU is left on a cliffhanger post-WandaVision's finale but given the long line of Marvel's Disney+ series and planned Phase 4 and Phase 5 films, the studio must have some plans to make his return.

We'll never find out the "real" reason for Vision supporting Team Iron Man; now since Stark has passed and even Rogers has probably met his demise, it doesn't really matters who was right. But it does prove how Vision was almost never wrong when it came to finding a resolution to complex situations.