Fox Broadcasting Company has allowed MovieWeb to stream free episodes of select series including Vanished! Watch today, as this link will expire on September 9th at 3PM EST.

WATCH {italicsVANISHED - EPISODE 2 IN WINDOWS MEDIA}WATCH {italicsVANISHED - EPISODE 2 IN REAL MEDIA}{@@@newline@@@}{@@@newline@@@}This Fox drama centers on the search for Sara Collins. She's the wife of Senator Jeffrey Collins. Sara vanishes and the FBI lead by Agent Graham Kelton is on the job, but before they can find her they need to find out who she really is.{@@@newline@@@}{@@@newline@@@}The mystery surrounding the disappearance is seen through the eyes of the FBI, members of the family and a reporter trying to get the story of her career.{@@@newline@@@}{@@@newline@@@}The search for Sara will expose many secrets. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone is a suspect because of their secrets.{@@@newline@@@}{@@@newline@@@}More new pisodes of Prison Break and Vanished will be available at no charge and commercial-free to viewers in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.