Leonardo DiCaprio finally won himself a sorely deserved Oscar for his work in The Revenant. That being the case, all eyes are on what he will be doing next, and as it turns out, he is going to be heading to court as a result of his work in The Wolf of Wall Street. DiCaprio himself isn't being sued or anything like that, but he is going to have to testify in a lawsuit that has been filed as a result of the movie.

A new report by E! News has informed us that Leonardo DiCaprio has been ordered to testify in a defamation lawsuit that has been filed against Paramount Pictures by Andrew Greene. The $25 million lawsuit is being filed by Greene because he claims that his portrayal in The Wolf of Wall Street by P.J. Byrne was very inaccurate and as a result, has had a series effect on his life. Greene claims that not only did his fiance leave him as a result of the movie, but that his reputation was damaged to the tune of $15 million.

Greene's legal representatives had reportedly tried to depose the 41-year-old DiCaprio prior to his recent court order, but the Oscar winner was quote, "too busy." Busy or not, which he surely is, he doesn't have a choice now and will have to cooperate with the court order. Greene's character, Nicky "Rugrat" Koskoff in the movie, was portrayed as a bit of a goofy guy who wore a hair piece and had serious issues with drugs, alcohol and prostitutes. He claims that is very far from the truth, and apparently since DiCaprio was the star of The Wolf of Wall Street, the court assumes that his deposition will be of some help in the lawsuit.

It may seem peculiar that the plaintiff and his representation would want to drag DiCaprio into the legal battle that has much more to do with real life than it does with anything else, and the defendant's representation thought so too. They had reportedly tried to stop the plaintiff from involving DiCaprio at all, seeing as he didn't write the screenplay and he had little to nothing to do with Byrne's portrayal of the character in the movie. Plus, the movie's director Martin Scorsese and the screenwriter Terence Winter have both already provided testimonies. The court has stepped in though, and DiCaprio will be testifying as well.

Controversy aside, The Wolf of Wall Street was a massive critical and financial success in 2013. It was nominated for several Oscars, and many thought Leo was going to bring home a statue for his role as Jordan Belfort. It managed to bring in nearly $400 million at the global box office as well and did very well on Blu-ray and VOD. Be sure to stay tuned as we will keep you posted on updates involving the case or DiCaprio's involvement.