Are you tired of disappointing movie sequels? Then Another WolfCop may be exactly what the doctor ordered. "Sequels are a disease. Meet the cure," boasts the movie's tagline. Did you miss out on 2014's cult horror/comedy Wolfcop? Don't let that stop you from enjoying this new, absolutely insane trailer for the sequel, because it is something that needs to be seen to be believed.

The trailer for Another Wolfcop was dropped quietly onto the Festival Fantasia Vimeo channel recently, since the movie is going be playing at the Fantasia Film Festival later this month in Montreal. The trailer delivers on every promise that the title of the movie makes and then some. There is a cop, who just so happens to be a wolf, just like the first movie. But they made another movie using that exact same premise, only they upped the insanity level quite a bit and added a whole lot more blood, booze and even some Kevin Smith into the equation. The result? This might now be a must see for horror fans.

In Another Wolfcop, Alcoholic werewolf cop Lou Garou springs into action when an eccentric businessman with evil intentions seduces Woodhaven's residents with a new brewery and hockey team. As the trailer shows us, there are people drinking beer and seemingly going crazy, which seems to check out. And there is also a sequence in which this violent booze-soaked werewolf cop kills an entire hockey team. Oh, and a nun definitely gets splattered in blood after someone gets obliterated by a car. This movie, at the very least, gets some serious points for originality.

Just in case you aren't familiar with the bizarre cult hit that is Wolfcop, the movie was released in 2014 and was directed by Lowell Dean. The movie was crowd-sourced and wound up being a relatively big success, with word of mouth generating quite a bit of buzz for the movie at the time. That prompted the Canadian filmmaker to pursue a sequel and, based on the trailer, it looks like Another Wolfcop has a bigger budget and a whole lot more going on for it. The movie made its worldwide debut at FantasticFest last year and some of the reviews touted Wolfcop 2 as better than the first. So if you liked the first one, this is probably going to be pretty high on your to do list heading into the second half of 2017.

There is no word yet on a release date or release strategy for Another Wolfcop yet, but we can assume this is probably going to be a Blu-ray/DVD and VOD type of release, with some kind of limited theatrical run. Unless someone like Netflix decides to step in and pick it up. While we wait for word on a release, be sure to check out the crazy trailer for Another Wolfcop for yourself below.