In many ways, The Batman is one of those movies that came around at the right time, with the right cast and the right director. With the weekend box office blowing away all expectations and the film becoming one of the highest-rated Batman movies of all time, everyone from Robert Pattinson’s title character to Colin Farrell’s scene-stealing Penguin made the characters their own, and it is hard to see the movie being the same without a single one of them.

Zoe Kravitz recently revealed this is not her first brush with Batman, as she previously attempted to audition for The Dark Knight Rises, but was denied an audition due to her skin color. She has now elaborated on the original comments in her Instagram Stories, telling people to “calm down” after some seemed to take the comments out of context.

The details about Kravitz being told she couldn’t audition for Chris Nolan’s third Batman movie were published in an interview with The Guardian, but Kravitz took to her social media to readdress the issue and clarify that she was not pointing fingers at anyone but simply wanted to point out exactly what it was like auditioning as a black woman at that time. She said:

“I was NOT told I was too urban to play Catwoman in the ‘Dark Knight [Rises]’. It would have made NO sense for me to even be considered for that role at that time,” Kravitz wrote. “I wanted to AUDITION for a small part in the film and was told (I do not know who said this, but this was how it was worded to me) that they were not going ‘urban’ on the part. This is something I heard a lot 10 years ago — it was a very different time.”

“I did not mention this to point any fingers or make anyone seem racist, namely Chris Nolan, the film’s producers or anyone on the casting team, because I truly do not believe anyone meant any harm. I was simply giving an example of what it was like to be a woman of color in this industry at that time. Again, this was many years ago when words like that were thrown around very casually and although I’m very glad that we are attempting to evolve — let’s all calm down — as well as fact check before we write things that are untrue.”


Zoe Kravitz Shines In The Batman, and Her Catwoman Role Is Giving Her Some Dark Knight Redemption

Warner Bros.

This is not the first time the actress has recounted that audition, having told Nylon in 2015, but the subject came up again in a recent interview with The Observer. In the original interview, Kravitz said:

"I don't know if it came directly from Chris Nolan. I think it was probably a casting director of some kind, or a casting director's assistant…Being a woman of color and being an actor and being told at that time that I wasn't able to read because of the color of my skin, and the word urban being thrown around like that, that was what was really hard about that moment."

The praise Kravitz is now receiving for her Catwoman role in The Batman will clearly put those ghosts to rest. She has now been given her chance to shine in the world of Batman, and Kravitz certainly took her opportunity with both hands. Both Halle Berry and Michelle Pfeiffer, who have portrayed Catwoman on the big screen, have joined audiences and critics in giving Kravitz their seal of approval for her take on the iconic Batman character, which will most likely go down as one of the best in Batman’s big screen history.